Software that helps business users interact with database systems. - ANSWER
Database application
Who is responsible for securing the database system against unauthorized users? -
ANSWER Database administrator
What role enforces procedures for user access and database system availability? -
ANSWER Database administrator
Process by which database systems authorize individual users to access specific
data. - ANSWER Authorization
Database systems ensure data consistency with structural and business rules. -
Interprets queries, creates plans to modify or retrieve data, and returns query results
to the application. - ANSWER Query processor
Translates query processor instructions into low-level file-system commands to
modify or retrieve data, using indexes to quickly locate data. - ANSWER Storage
Ensures proper execution of transactions, prevents conflicts between concurrent
transactions, and restores the database to a consistent state in case of failures. -
ANSWER Transaction manager
A NoSQL, open-source database system. - ANSWER MongoDB
Structured Query Language used for managing relational databases. - ANSWER
SQL statement that creates a new table by specifying table and column names, each
assigned a data type. - ANSWER CREATE TABLE
Phase that specifies database requirements without specifying a specific database
system. - ANSWER Analysis
Phase that converts entities, relationships, and attributes into tables, keys, and
columns in a specific database system. - ANSWER Logical design
Phase that adds indexes and specifies how tables are organized on storage media,
affecting query processing speed but not query results. - ANSWER Physical design
Principle that physical design changes do not affect query results. - ANSWER Data
,Application Programming Interface used to simplify the use of SQL with a general-
purpose language. - ANSWER API
Text interface included in the MySQL Server download, providing error codes and
descriptions for SQL statements. - ANSWER MySQL Command-Line Client
Ordered collection of elements enclosed in parentheses. - ANSWER Tuple
Organizes data in tables, with tables having columns and rows. - ANSWER Data
Based on business policy and specific to a particular database. - ANSWER Business
Explicit values like strings, numerics, or binaries. - ANSWER Literals
Words with special meanings in SQL like SELECT, FROM, WHERE. - ANSWER
Objects from the database like tables, columns, etc. - ANSWER Identifiers
Statements intended for humans and ignored by the database when parsing an SQL
statement. - ANSWER Comments
SQL language divided into five sublanguages: DDL, DQL, DML, DCL, DTL. -
ANSWER SQL sublanguages
Single column value in a row of a table. - ANSWER Cell
Data type for whole numbers without a decimal point - ANSWER Integer
Data type with a storage size of 1 byte, representing a small range of signed and
unsigned integers - ANSWER TINYINT
Data type with a storage size of 2 bytes, representing a larger range of signed and
unsigned integers - ANSWER SMALLINT
Data type with a storage size of 3 bytes, representing a medium range of signed and
unsigned integers - ANSWER MEDIUMINT
Data type with a storage size of 4 bytes, representing a large range of signed and
unsigned integers - ANSWER INTEGER or INT
Data type with a storage size of 8 bytes, representing a very large range of signed
and unsigned integers - ANSWER BIGINT
Operators (+, -, *, /, %, ^) used for basic arithmetic operations in SQL - ANSWER
Arithmetic Operators
, Operators (=, !=, <, <=, >) used to compare values in SQL - ANSWER Comparison
Modifies existing rows in a table using the SET clause and an optional WHERE
clause - ANSWER UPDATE statement
Deletes existing rows in a table using the FROM keyword and an optional WHERE
clause - ANSWER DELETE statement
Deletes all rows from a table, similar to DELETE but with minor differences -
Column(s) used to identify a row uniquely in a table - ANSWER Primary keys
Numeric columns that automatically increment their value when a new row is
inserted - ANSWER Auto-increment columns
Constraint that ensures the values in a column match values in a primary key column
in another table - ANSWER FOREIGN KEY constraint
Actions (RESTRICT, SET NULL, SET DEFAULT, CASCADE) taken when referential
integrity is violated - ANSWER Referential integrity actions
Operator used to determine if a value falls within a specified range - ANSWER
BETWEEN operator
Operator used in WHERE clauses to match patterns in text values - ANSWER LIKE
Clause used to sort selected rows in SQL - ANSWER ORDER BY clause
Functions (COUNT, MIN, MAX, SUM, AVG) that summarize data from multiple rows
- ANSWER Aggregate functions
Clause used with GROUP BY to filter grouped results in SQL - ANSWER HAVING
Combines data from two tables based on a related column between them -
Joins that compare columns of two tables using the = operator - ANSWER Equijoins
Joins where a table is joined with itself - ANSWER Self-joins
Joins that combine two tables without comparing columns - ANSWER Cross-joins
Any join that includes unmatched rows from one or both tables - ANSWER Outer join
Combines the results of two or more SELECT statements into a single result set -