TEST BANK FOR Human Anatomy & Physiology 11th
Edition Elaine Marieb |Chapter 1-29 |Answer Key
,MULTIPLEa CHOICE.a Chooseathea onea alternativea thata besta completesa thea statementa ora answersa thea question.
1) Choosea thea followinga statementa thata isa NOTa completelya correcta regardinga serousa membranes. 1)
A) Serousa membranesa secretea aa waterya lubricatinga fluid.
B) Serousamembranesaareadividedaintoaparietalaandavisceralamembranesawithaaavirtualaspacea
C) Serosaa area verya thin,a double-layeredastructures.
D) Visceralapericardiumacoversatheaouterasurfaceaofatheaheart,aandaparietalapericardiumalinesatheai
2) Theadorsalabodyacavityaisatheasiteaofa whichaofatheafollowing? 2)
A) brain B)alungs C)aintestines D)aliver
3) Selectathea mosta correcta statement. 3)
A) Organa systemsa operatea independentlya ofa eacha othera toa maintaina life.
B) Thea immunea systema isa closelya associateda witha thea lymphatica system.
C) Organasystemsa canabeacomposeda ofa cellsaora tissues,abuta notaboth.
D) Thea endocrinea systema isa nota aatruea structurala organa system.
4) Whicha ofa theafollowinga organsaora structuresawoulda beafounda inathea leftailiaca region? 4)
A) liver B)aintestines C)a stomach D)aappendix
5) Preventiona ofa watera lossaisaaa necessaryafunctiona fora lifea thata woulda bestafitaina theacategorya of 5) a
A) metabolism B)aresponsiveness
C)a excretion D)a maintaininga boundaries
6) Aastructureathataisacomposedaofatwoaoramoreatissueatypesathataworkatogetheratoaperformaspecificaf 6) a
unctionsaforatheabodyaisaa(n) .
A) organ B)a complexa tissue C)a complexa cell D)a organa system
7) Whicha ofa theafollowingaimaginga devicesawoulda bestalocalizeaaa tumora ina aa person'sa brain? 7)
A) DSA B)a MRI C)a PET D)a X-ray
8) Thea coxala jointa isa mosta likelya founda ina thea _ _aregiona ofathea body. 8)a
A) groin B)a hip C)a hand D)afoot
9) Whicha onea ofa thea followinga systemsarespondsafastesta toaenvironmentala stimuli? 9)
A) nervous B)aimmune C)alymphatic D)a muscular
,10) Positivea feedbacka differsa froma negativea feedbacka because . 10)a
A) positiveafeedbackaprovidesamoment-to-
B) positiveafeedbackatendsatoaenhanceatheatriggeringastimulusawhileanegativeafeedbackatendsatoar
eturnatheabodyatoaaahomeostatica balanceaora"ideal"alevel
C) positivea feedbacka isa generallya beneficiala whilea negativea feedbacka isa typicallya harmful
D) positiveafeedbackaisacriticalatoahealthawhileanegativeafeedbackaservesaonlyatoaalertausatoa
11) Whicha ofa theseaisaNOTa partaofa thea dorsalacavity? 11)a
A) vertebrala cavity B)a thoracica cavity C)a spinala cord D)a craniala cavity
12) Homeostasisa isathea conditiona ina whicha thea bodya maintains . 12)a
A) aastaticastatea witha noa deviationa froma preseta points
B) thealowesta possiblea energya usage
C) aa relativelya stablea internala environment,a withina limits
D) aa dynamica statea withinaana unlimiteda range,a dependinga ona circumstances
13) Expirationa (breathinga out)aisa howa thea bodya removesa excessiveacarbona dioxideafromathea blood.a This 13)a
isaana examplea of .
A) responsiveness B)a maintaininga boundaries
C)a metabolism D)a excretiona ofa metabolica waste
14) Onea ofa theafunctionala characteristicsa ofa lifeaisaexcitabilitya ora responsiveness.a Thisarefersa to . 14)
A) theanecessityafora alla organismsatoareproduce
B) thea nervousa systema causinga alla livinga thingsa toa sometimesaexperiencea anger
C) indigestibleafooda residuesa stimulatinga thea excretorya system
D) sensinga changesa ina thea environmenta anda thena reactinga orarespondinga toa them
15) Thea terma pollexarefersa toathea _ . 15)a
A) greata toe B)a fingers C)a thumb D)acalf
16) Somea ofa thea nervea endingsaina theaskina area sensitivea toa changesainatemperature.a Theya area parta ofa a 16)a
negativea feedbacka mechanisma regulatinga bodya temperature.a Thesea nervea endingsa representa a(n)
ina thea negativea feedbacka mechanism.
A) homeostatica balancea ora "ideal"a value B)a controlacenter
C)a receptor D)a effector
17) Thea thoracica cavitya containsa the _.aItaisafound toathea vertebrala cavity. 17)
A) heartaanda lungs;a anterior B)a kidneysaanda spleen;a deep
C)a digestivea viscera;a inferior D)a stomachaanda liver;a superficial
18) Whicha ofa theafollowinga area survivala needsaofa thea body? 18)
A) water,a atmospherica pressure,a growth,a anda movement
B) nutrients,a water,a movement,a anda reproduction
C) nutrients,a water,aatmospherica pressure,a anda oxygen
D) nutrients,a water,a growth,aanda reproduction
, 19) Whenaaababyasucklesaataitsamother'sabreastatheastimulusaatatheabreastaisasentatoatheamother'sabraina(aar 19)a
egiona calleda thea hypothalamus).a Thea braina respondsa bya releasinga hormonesa toa stimulatea theapr
daencouragesamoreasuckling.aThisaexampleaisabestadescribedaasaa .
A) positivea feedback B)alossaofa homeostasis
C)a negativea feedback D)a necessaryalifeafunction
20) Whicha ofa theafollowinga statementsaisa thea mosta correcta regardinga homeostatica imbalance? 20)
A) Thea internala environmenta isabecominga morea stable.
B) Negativea feedbacka mechanismsa area functioninga normally.
C) Positivea feedbacka mechanismsa area overwhelmed.
D) Itaisaconsideredatheacauseaofa mostadiseases.
21) Onea ofa thea descriptionsabelowa isafromathea perspectivea ofa physiologicala study,athea resta area fromaan 21) a
anatomicala perspective.a Selectathea descriptionabelowa thata comesa fromaphysiologicala perspective.
A) Thea pancreasaliesadeepatoa thea stomacha withinathea abdominala cavity.
B) Thea skullaisaformeda bya 22a faciala anda craniala bones.
C) Theachambersaofatheaheartaandabloodavesselsaleadingatoaandafromatheaheartaareaseparatedabya
D) Theacontractionaofasmoothamuscleainabloodavesselsa(vasoconstriction)acanareduceatheaflowaofa
22)a Ina whicha bodya cavitiesaarea thealungsalocated? 22)
A)a pleural,a ventral,a andathoracic B)a mediastinal,a thoracic,a anda ventral
C)a pericardial,a ventral,aanda thoracic D)a pleural,adorsal,a anda abdominal
23) Whataisaaa verticala sectiona througha thea body,a dividingaitaintoalefta anda right,a called? 23)
A) transverse B)a frontal C)a sagittal D)aregional
24) Youa area tolda toatakeaana axillaryatemperaturea ona aa smallachild.a Youa willa placea thea thermometer 24) a
A) inathearectum B)a onatheaforehead
C)a undera theatongue D)a ina thea armpit
25) Youa area askeda toa drawa blooda fromathea mediana cubitala vein.aYoua willa searchafora thisaveinaina the 25) a
A) lateralasidea ofa theafoot B)ahand
C)a proximala arm D)a anteriora sideaofa theaelbow
26) Thea bodyacavitiesathata protectathea nervousa systema arealocateda ina the cavity. 26)
A) cranial B)a vertebral C)a dorsal D)a ventral E)a thoracic
27) Thea anatomicala positiona isa characterizeda bya alla ofa thea followinga EXCEPTa _ . 27)a
A) thumbsa pointeda laterally B)a bodya erect
C)a palmsa turnedaposteriorly D)a armsaata sides