Solution Manual for V V
Statistics for Nursing Res
V V V z
earch A Workbook for Evi
z dence-
z Based Practice 3rd Editio
V V V z
n Susan Grove Daisha
Measurement: Nominal,
Thez questionsz arez inz boldz followedz byz answers.
1. InzTablez1,zidentifyzthezlevelz ofz measurementz forzzthezzcurrentzztherapyzz variable.zz Przovidez a
z rationale z forz yourz answer.
Answer:z Thezcurrentz therapyzzvariablezwaszmeasuredzzatzzthezznominalz level.zThesezdrugz czateg
z arez usually z onz morezthanz onezz category zz ofzz thesezz drugszz tozz manage zz theirzz hzealthz problems. z T
hezcurrentztherapiesz arez notz measuredz atz thez ordinalz levelz becausez theyzcannotzbezrankzzorder
ed,zzsincezznozzdrugzzcategoryzzcanzzbezzconsideredzzmorezzorzzlesszzbenefizcialz thanz anotherz drugz ca
tegoryz (seez Figurez 1-1;z Grovez &z Gray,z 2019).
2. Whatz iszthez modezforzthezcurrentzz therapyzz variablezz inzzthiszzstudy?zz Providezz azzratioznalez f
orz yourz answer.
Answer:z Thez modez forz currentz therapyz wasz βz blocker.z Az totalz ofz 100z (94%)z ofz thez cardiacz patieznts
werez receivingz thisz categoryz ofzz drug,zz whichzz waszz thezz mostzz commonzz prescribedzz drugzz forzz tzhisz sa
3. Whatzstatisticszwerez conductedzztozdescribezthez BMIzofzthezzcardiaczpatientszinz thiszsampl
e?z Discusszwhetherzthesezzanalysiszztechniqueszzwerezz appropriatezzorzzinapproprizate.
z levelz datazzshouldzz bezz analyzedzz withzz parametriczzstatisticszzsuchzz aszz thezz meanzz andzzSDz(Groz vez
&zzGray,z 2017;z Knapp,z 2017).
4. Researchersz usedzthezfollowingzitemztozmeasurezregisteredznurses’z(RNs)z incomez inz azstudy:z
Whatzcategoryzidentifiesz yourz currentzincomezaszanzRN?
a.z Lessz thanz $50,000
b.z $50,000 to 59,999
c.z $60,000 to 69,999
d.z $70,000 to 80,000
e.z $80,000 or greater
Whatz levelz ofzz measurementzziszzthiszzincomezzvariable?zz Doeszzthezzincomezzvariablezzfollozwz t
hez rulesz outlinedz inz Figurez 1-1?z Providez az rationalez forz yourz answer.
Answer:z Inzthiszexample,zthezincomezvariableziszmeasuredzatzthezordinalz level.z Thez incomezcatego-
riesz arez exhaustive,z rangingz fromz lessz thanz $50,000z toz greaterz thanz $80,000.z Thez twoz opzen-ended
,AGz 1-1
, AGz 1-2 Answerz Guidelinesz forz Questionsz toz Bez Graded
categoriesz ensurez thatz allz salaryz levelsz arez covered.z Thez categoriesz arez notz exclusive,z sinczez
rieszz(d)zz andzz(e)zz includezz anzz $80,000zzsalary,zzsozzstudyzz participantszz makingzz $80,000zz mighztzm
arkzeitherz(d)z orzz(e)zz orzz bothzzcategories,zz resultingzz inzzerroneouszz data.zz Categoryzz(e)zz czouldz bez c
hangedzz tozzgreaterzzthanzz $80,000,zz makingzzthezzcategorieszzexclusive.zz Thezzcategorziesz canzz bezzra
nkzzorderedzzfromzzthezzlowestzz salaryzztozzthezz highestzz salary,zz whichzz iszzconsistezntz withz ordinalz da
taz (Grovez &z Gray,z 2019;z Waltzz etz al.,z 2017).
5. Whatz levelz ofz measurementz isz thez CDSz score?z Providez az rationalez forz yourz answer.z
Answer:z Thezz CDSzz scorezz iszzatzzthezzintervalzzlevelzz ofzz measurement.zz Thezz CDSzziszz azz 26-
z itemzz Likertzz scalezz developedzz tozz measurezz depression zz inzz cardiaczz patients.zz Studyzz participantzsz r
atedz theirz symp-
tomsz onz azscalez ofz 1z toz7,z withz higherz numbersz indicatingz increasedz severityzinzthezdepressio
nz symptoms.z Theztotalz scoreszforz eachzsubjectz obtainedzfromzthisz multi-
itemzscalezzarezzconsideredzztozzbezzatzzthezzintervalzzlevelzz ofzz measurementzz(Grayzzetzzal.,zz 2017
;z Waltzzzetzz al.,zz2017).
esz forzthezcardiacz patientszinzthiszstudy?z Providez azrationalezz forzz yourzzanswer.zAnswer:z
Parametriczstatistics,zsuchzaszmeanzandzzSD,zzwerezz conductedzztozz describezz CDSzscores
forz studyz participantsz (seez Tablez 1).z CDSz scoresz arez interval-
ofz dataz (Grayz etz al.,z 2017;z Kimz &z Mallory,z 2017).
7. Iszthez prevalencez ofz depressionzlinkedztozthez NYHAz class?z Discussz thezclinicalzimzportancez
ofz thisz result.
Answer:z Thezstudyzznarrativezzindicatedzzthatzz thezz prevalencezzofzz depressionzz increasedzzwithzthez
greaterz NYHAz class.z Inz NYHAz classz III,z 64%z ofz thez subjectsz werez depressed,z wherezasz 11
%z ofz thez subjectsz werez depressedz inz NYHAz classz I.z Thus,z asz thez NYHAz classz incrzeased,z t
hez numberz ofz sub-
jectsz withz depressionz increased.z Thisz isz anz expectedz findingz becausez asz thez NYHAz classzincre
ases,z cardiacz patientsz havez morez severez physicalz symptoms,z whichz usuallyz resultz inzemotionalz
distress,z suchz asz depression.z Nursesz needz toz activelyz assessz cardiacz patientsz forzdepression,z espe
ciallyz thosez inz higherz NYHAz classes,z soz theyz mightz bez diagnosedzzzandztreatedz asz needed.
8. Whatzfrequencyzandzpercentzzofzzcardiaczzpatientszzinzzthiszzstudyzzwerezznotzzbeingzztreaztedz
withzanzantidepressant?zShowzyourzcalculationszandzroundzyourzanswerztozztheznearestz wh
olez percentz (%).
Answer:z Az totalz ofz 106z cardiacz patientsz participatedz inzz thiszz study.zz Thezz samplezz inczluded
15zzpatientszzwhozzwerezzreceivingzzzanzzzantidepressantzzz(seezzzTablezzz1).zzzThezzznumbzerz of
z cardiacz patientsz notz treatedz for z depression z wasz 91z (106z –
15z =z 91).z Thez groupz percentz isz calculatedzz byzz thezz followingzz formula:zz (groupzz frequzencyz
÷z totalz samplezz size)zz ×z 100%.zz Forzz thiszz study,zz(91zz patientszz ÷z 106zz samplezz sizze)zz×z100
%zz=z0.858zz×z100%zzz=z85.8%zzz=z86%.zzzThezzzfinalzzanswerzzziszzzroundedzzztozzztzhezz nearestzz who
lezz percentzz aszz directedzz inzz thezz question.zz Youzz couldzz havezzalsozzsubtractezdzthezz 14%zz ofzz patie
ntszztreatedzz withzzantidepressantszzfromzz 100%zzandzz obtainedzzthezz 86%zwhoz werez notztreatedz wit
hzanz antidepressant.
t.z Whatzz waszz thezz purposezz ofzz thezz5-
minutez walkzztestzz(5MWT)?zz Wouldzzthezz5MWTzz bezz usefulzzinzzclinicalzz practice?
Answer:z Haz etzzal.z (2018)z stated,z “Thez 6-
minz walkz testz (6MWT)zisz azzmeasurezzofz thez submaximal,zzsteady-
statezfunctionalz capacity”z ofz cardiacz patients.z Thisztestz wouldzbezaz quick,z easyz wayzztozdeter
minez az cardiacz patient’sz functionalz statusz inz az clinicalzz setting.zz Thiszz functionalzstatusz s
corez couldz bez usedz toz determinez thez treatmentz planz toz promotez orz maintain