,Human IPhysiology: IAn IIntegrated IApproach, I8e
(Silverthorn)Chapter I1 Introduction Ito IPhysiology
1) Physiology Iis Ithe Istudy Iof
A) the Istructure Iof Ithe Ibody.
B) the Itissues Iand Iorgans Iof Ithe Ibody Iat Ithe Imicroscopic Ilevel.
C) growth Iand Ireproduction.
D) the Inormal Ifunctions Iof Ithe Iorgan Isystems.
E) the Ifacial Ifeatures Ias Ian Iindication
Iof Ipersonality.Answer: D
Section ITitle: The IScience Iof
IPhysiologyLearning IOutcome:
I 1.5
Skill: Level II: IReviewing IFacts Iand ITerms I(Bloom's ITaxonomy: IKnowledge)
2) The Iliteral Imeaning Iof Ithe Iterm Iphysiology Iis Iknowledge Iof
A) organs.
B) nature.
C) science.
D) chemistry.
E) math.
Section ITitle: The IScience Iof
IPhysiologyLearning IOutcome:
I 1.5
Skill: Level II: IReviewing IFacts Iand ITerms I(Bloom's ITaxonomy: I Knowledge)
3) Because Ianatomy Iand Iphysiology Ihave Idifferent Idefinitions, Ithey Iare
Iusually Iconsideredseparately Iin Istudies Iof Ithe Ibody.
A) True
B) False
Section ITitle: The IScience Iof
IPhysiologyLearning IOutcome:
I 1.5
Skill: Level II: IReviewing IFacts Iand ITerms I(Bloom's ITaxonomy: IKnowledge)
Copyright I(c) I2015 IPearson IEducation,
,4) The Ifollowing Iis Ia Ilist Iof Iseveral Ilevels Iof Iorganization Ithat Imake Iup Ithe Ihuman Ibody.
1. tissue
2. cell
3. organ
4. molecule
5. organism
6. organ Isystem
The Icorrect Iorder Ifrom Ithe Ismallest Ito Ithe
Ilargest IisA) I2, I4, I1, I3, I6, I5.
B) 4, I2, I1, I6, I3, I5.
C) 4, I2, I1, I3, I6, I5.
D) 4, I2, I3, I1, I6, I5.
E) 6, I4, I5, I2, I3, I1.
Answer: C
Section ITitle: The IScience Iof
IPhysiologyLearning IOutcome:
I 1.1
Skill: Level II: IReviewing IFacts Iand ITerms I(Bloom's ITaxonomy: IKnowledge)
5) "Glucose Iis Itransported Ifrom Iblood Iinto Icells Ibecause Icells Irequire Iglucose Ito Imeet
Itheir Ienergyneeds." IThis Itype Iof Iexplanation Iis
A) mechanistic.
B) theological.
C) teleological.
D) metalogical.
E) scatological.
Answer: C
Section ITitle: IThe IScience Iof
IPhysiologyLearning IOutcome:
I 1.4
Skill: Level II: IReviewing IFacts Iand ITerms I(Bloom's ITaxonomy: IKnowledge)
6) "Glucose Iis Itransported Ifrom Iblood Iinto Icells Iby Itransporters Iin Iresponse Ito Iinsulin."
IThis Itypeof Iexplanation Iis
A) mechanistic.
B) theological.
C) teleological.
D) metalogical.
E) scatological.
Answer: A
Section ITitle: The IScience Iof
IPhysiologyLearning IOutcome:
I 1.4
Skill: Level II: IReviewing IFacts Iand ITerms I(Bloom's ITaxonomy: IKnowledge)
Copyright I(c) I2015 IPearson IEducation,
, 7) Which Iof Ithe Ifollowing Iis Ia Ibuffer Izone Ibetween Ithe Ioutside Iworld Iand Imost Iof Ithe
Icells Iof Ithebody?
A) blood
B) lumen
C) lymph
D) extracellular Ifluid
E) All Iof Ithe Ianswers
Iare Icorrect.Answer:
D ISection ITitle:
IOutcome: 1.6
Skill: Level II: IReviewing IFacts Iand ITerms I(Bloom's ITaxonomy: IComprehension)
8) Which Iof Ithe Ifollowing Iis Ione Iof ICannon's I"internal Isecretions"?
A) hormones
B) nutrients
C) water
D) inorganic Iions
E) None Iof Ithe Ianswers
Iare Icorrect.Answer:
Section ITitle: The IScience Iof
IPhysiologyLearning IOutcome:
I 1.5
Skill: Level II: IReviewing IFacts Iand ITerms I(Bloom's ITaxonomy: IKnowledge)
9) The Istudy Iof Ibody Ifunction Iin Ia Idisease Istate Iis
A) necrology.
B) physiology.
C) microbiology.
D) pathophysiology.
E) histology.
IAnswer: D
Section ITitle: IThe IScience Iof
IPhysiologyLearning IOutcome:
I 1.5
Skill: Level II: IReviewing IFacts Iand ITerms I(Bloom's ITaxonomy: IKnowledge)
10) Homeostasis Iis Ithe Iability Iof Ithe Ibody Ito
A) prevent Ithe Iexternal Ienvironment Ifrom Ichanging.
B) prevent Ithe Iinternal Ienvironment Ifrom Ichanging.
C) quickly Irestore Ichanged Iconditions Ito Inormal.
D) ignore Iexternal Istimuli Ito Iremain Iin Ia Istate Iof Irest.
E) prevent Iexcessive
Iblood Iloss.Answer:
Section ITitle: The IScience Iof
IPhysiologyLearning IOutcome:
I 1.6
Copyright I(c) I2015 IPearson IEducation,