RHIT Exam | Questions And Answers Latest {2024- 2025} A+ Graded | 100% Verified
Data - Raw facts (e.g., patient height, weight).
Information - Processed data (e.g., patient's Body Mass Index (BMI), which is derived from height and
Primary Data - Data which is derived straight from a source, such from an individual patient's medical
record (e.g., patient's age).
Secondary Data - Data that is derived from a secondary source; based on analysis of data derived from
an aggregate of primary sources (e.g., average age when adult onset diabetes is first diagnosed in
Aggregate Data - Collective data (e.g., total number of patients admitted to the CCU in March 2009).
Discrete Data - Data that contains distinct, specified values. A natural order exists among the data
values. (e.g., pressure ulcer stages on a patient).
Continuous Data - Data that represents measurable quantities. The data is not restricted to certain
specific values as in discrete data.
Structured Data - Limited data fields (e.g., medical record number of eight characters).
Unstructured Data - "Free text" data; data that is not limited by a set number of fields or spaces in a field
(e.g., physician note).
Numerical Data - Data that can be added, subtracted, multiplied, or divided (e.g., number of hours: 8).
Text Data - Data that cannot be added, subtracted, multiplied, or divided (e.g., street address).
, Categorical Data - Data that can be assigned via preset choices (e.g., gender, race, marital status).
Coded Data - Data that is assigned a specific numerical, alphabetical, or alphanumerical value to assist in
data retrieval (e.g., patient medical record numbers, physician provider numbers, patient disposition
codes, diagnosis and procedure codes).
Audio Data - Data recorded as sound (e.g., echocardiogram, fetal heart monitor).
Digital Data - Data recorded digitally (e.g., patient history dictated into a digital dictation system).
Digital Imaging - Images recorded digitally (e.g., captured heart tracings during cardiac catheterizations,
movement of opaque materials through the renal system during intravenous pyelography).
Analog - Recording made on analog tape (e.g., voice recorded on a cassette tape).
Vector Graphic - Image that is mathematically rendered using lines and shapes (e.g., tracings such as
EKGs or EEGs).
Photographic - Image that is captured via a camera on a on a light-sensitive surface (e.g., pictures taken
during colonoscopies or arthroscopies).
Index - Organized list of specific secondary data that facilitates reference to the data.
Master Patient Index (MPI) - Contains patient-identifiable information such as the patient's name and
address, date of birth, the dates the patient was hospitalized or outpatient encounters, the name of the
attending physician, and the health record number.
Disease Index - Is a listing in diagnosis code number order for patients discharged from the facility. The
coder assigns a code to the description of the diagnosis and enters it into the health information system.
Will include the patient's health record number and the diagnosis code(s). It may also include the
patient's date of discharge and the name of the attending physician.