NRP Exam with complete solutions
How mmdo mmyou mmknow mmthe mmneonate mmis mmhaving mmsecondary mmapnea? mmwhat mmactions mmshould mmbe
mmtaken? mm- mmcorrect mmanswer-If mminitial mmstimulation mmdoes mmnot mmlead mmto mmincrease mmin mmheart
mmrate(warming, mmdry, mmclearing mmairway, mmstimulate). mmContinue mmto mmfurther mmresucitative mmsteps
mm(assisted mmventilation mm(PPV))--> mmchest mmcompressions mm--> mmmedications
- mmHeart mmrate mmshould mmrecover mmrapidly mmupon mmestablishing mmadeqate mmventilation
Why mmare mmpremature mmbabies mmat mmincreased mmrisk mmfor mmneeding mmresuscitation mmmeasures mm-
mmcorrect mmanswer-- mmthin mmtissues- mmprone mmto mminjury mmoxygen mminjury
- mmfragile mmbrain mmcapillaries mmthat mmmay mmbleed
- mmimmature mmorgans mmsuch mmas mmlungs mmwith mmno mmsurfactant, mmmaking mmventilation mmdifficult
- mmhigher mmliklihood mmof mminfection
What mmis mmevaluation mmbased mmon mmwhen mmdeciding mmwhich mmresucitative mmsteps mmshould mmtake mmplace?
mm- mmcorrect mmanswer-- mmheart mmrate- mm(easiest mmway mmis mmthrough mmbase mmof mmumbilical mmcord) mm
- mmoxygenation mm(color, mmSpO2 mmmonitoring)
- mmrespirations mm(breath mmsounds, mmchest mmmovement)
What mmare mmthe mmfirst mmthings mmto mmassess mmwhen mma mmbaby mmis mmborn mm- mmcorrect mmanswer-- mmis mmthe
mmbaby mmterm?
- mmgood mmtone?
- mmbreathing mmor mmcrying
Describe mmthe mmbasic mmreuscitation mmsteps mm- mmcorrect mmanswer-1) mmassess- mmis mmbaby mmterm, mmgood
mmtone, mmbreathing mmand mmcrying? mmif mmnot mmthen mmbring mmto mmwarmer mmand mmresucitate mm
2) mmprovide mmwarmth, mmstimulate, mmposition mmhead mmand mmclear mmairway mmif mmnecessary, mmdry, mmreplace
mmwet mmtowels, mmevaluate mmrespirations, mmhear mmrate mmand mmoxygenation mm(connect mmspO2 mmmonitor)
a) mmif mmheart mmrate mmbelow mm100 mmbpm mm--> mmPPV mm(assited mmventilation), mmif mmnot mmresponding mmthen
mmcheck mmif mmPPV mmis mmbeing mmdone mmcorrectly mm(MRSOPA)
, b) mmif mmheart mmrate mmis mmabove mm100 mmbut mmlabored mmbreathing mmand mmcyanotic, mmmonitor mmwith mmspO2
mmto mmconfirm mmcynaosis, mmconsider mmCPAP mmand mmsupplemental mmoxygen
4) mmif mmheart mmrate mmbelow mm60- mminitaite mmchest mmcompression mm(3:1 mmratio) mmwhile mmalso mmcontinuing
mmPPV mm
5) mmnot mmresponding- mmmedications mm(epinephrine mmor mmnormal mmsaline mmflud mmvolume mmreplacement
mmvia mmvenous mmcatheter
why mmis mmit mmimortant mmto mmhave mman mmorganized mmroutne mmfr mmchecking mmthe mmpresence mmand
mmfunction mmof mmreucitation mmsupplies mmand mmequipment mmprior mmto mmevery mmbirth mm- mmcorrect mmanswer-
to mmensure mmpreparedenss mmin mmthe mmevent mmthat mmreucusitation mmmay mmbe mmrequired. mmreuscitative
mmsteps mmshould mmbe mmcarried mmout mmin mmquick mmand mmefficient mmmanner, mmbeing mmprepared mmeliminates
mmwasting mmtime.
What mmshould mmbe mmdone mmif mmattending mma mmhigh mmrisk mmbirth mm- mmcorrect mmanswer-- mmmake mmsure mmall
mmequipment mmis mmpresent mmand mmfunctioning mmproperly mm(
KEEP mmWARM- mmwarmer, mmtowels mmand mmblankets
CLEAR mmAIRWAY- mmsuction, mm
ASSESSMENT- mmspO2, mmstethescope
VENTILATE- mmPPV, mmoxygen mmsources, mmappropriately mmsized mmmasks, mm8F mmfeeding mmtube mmand mm20 mmml
INTUBATE- mmlaryngyscope, mmblades, mmlight, mmendotrackeal mmtubes, mmlaryngeal mmmask
MEDICATION- mm1:10,000 mmepinephrine, mmumbilical mmvenous mmcatheter mm
PREMATURE mmTHERMOREGULATION- mmplastic mmwrap, mmwarming mmpad, mmtransport mmincubator
routine mmcare mmof mmuncomplicated mmdelivery? mm- mmcorrect mmanswer-- mmdry, mmprovide mmwarmth, mmclear
mmairway mmif mmnecessary, mmongoing mmevaluation.
What mmdo mmyou mmdo mmif mmthere mmis mmmeconium mmpresent? mm- mmcorrect mmanswer-Assess mmif mmbaby mmis
mmvigorous mm(strong mmrespiratory mmefforts, mmgood mmmuscle mmtone, mmheart mmrate mmover mm100) mm
- mmVIGOROUS- mmclear mmsecretions, mmdry, mmstimulate, mmand mmreposition mm
- mmNOT mmVIGOROUS- mmsuction mmmouth mmand mmtrachea mmto mmavoid mmmeconium mmaspiration mmby
mminserting mmlaryngyscope mmthen mm12 mmor mm14F mmsuction mmcatheter mmto mmclear mmsecretions, mmthen
mminsert mmendotracheal mmtube mmattached mmto mmmeconium mmaspirator