NURS 1067 MID-TERM Questions with complete
Why is Nursing theory important. - because it helps us to decide what we know and
what we need to know
Nursing Theory is important - because it helps to distinguish what should form the
basis of practice by explicitly describing nursing.
Nursing Theory is important - it helps us decide a better patient care, it helps
enhance professional status for nurses, and guidance for research and education.
caring - vital, to have the theory to analyze and explain what nurses do.
Theory - purposeful set of assumptions or propositions that identify the relationships
between concepts.
concept - an idea of something formed by mentally combining all its characteristics
ex: client, nurse,environment
,Theorys - allow us to describe, explain, predict or prescribe care.
Nursing Theory - organized knowledge about nursing to enable nurses to use it in a
professional manner.
Nursing Theory - aims to describe, predict and explain the phenomenon of nurses and
provides foundation of how we practice as nurses.
Nursing Theories allow nurses: - to view client nurses from a certain perspective,
organize data, provides a method to analyze and interpret information, it also allows and
guides nursing education, nursing practice, and nursing research.
Types of Theories - Grand, Mid-range, Descriptive, Prescriptive
grand theories - broad in scope, provides structural framework to direct nursing
science(more narrow range theories)
middle-range - more limited in scope and less abstract, address specific phenomenon
and reflect nursing practice.
,description - explains, relate and sometimes predict why a phenomenon occurs.
ex:helps explain nursing client assessment.
prescriptive - address nursing interventions(treatment) for a phenomenon, guide
practice change, and help predict the consequences of an intervention.
Model - are representation of the beliefs depicted by the theory (also known as
conceptual framework)
Model - in nursing, it helps introduce the theory into practice(application of theory)
types of theoretical models in nursing - practice based, needs,interactionist,system
needs - 14 basic human needs
interactionist - interpersonal relationship between client and nurses
system - complex interaction between the parts ( subsystem) and the whole system
, Nursing Metaparadigm - is a group of theories which represents how our profession
functions, it includes 4 metasaradgm concepts, all of which individually represent a
large body of knowledge-person,health,environment,situation,nursing.
together, these four basic nursing metasaradgm concepts point to a holistic view of
holistic care - all aspects of clients needs- psychological, physical,social and spiritual.
nurses must keep the whole person in mind and strive to understand how one area of
concern relates to the whole person.
self-concept - mental image of oneself consist of body image, role performance,
personal identity, self esteem.
body image - image of the physical self,persceprtion of size, appearance and
functioning of body, develops partly from others attitudes and responses and partly from
the individual.