MLT CHEMISTRY MLT Chemistry Questions and Answers pseudohyperkalemia {Ans: - false high serum K+ . poor venipuncture/transfusing hemolyzed blood. hyperammonemia {Ans: - high ammonia in blood. Tightening tourniquet too much. hemolyzing sample, storing blood too long. May be serious digestive disorder. false causes -smoking, heavy exercise, not fasting 8 hours falsely decreased bilirubin {Ans: - shaking tube=gases. exposed to light over an hour or not put in fridge. not: avoiding anti biotics, diuretics, barb, fasting 8hrs, fatty meals CPK values/significance {Ans: - 5-75mU/ml rises 6 hours. peak 18 hr. levels out 3 days. AST (serum aspartate aminotransferase) values/significance {Ans: - 12-36mU/ml rises 6 -10hr, peak 12 -48hr. levels o ut 4 days LDH values/significance {Ans: - 90-200 mU/ml rises 24 -72 hr. peaks 4 days. levels out 14 days. CPK elevation due to: {Ans: - acoholism/myopathy, cardiac catheterization, CVA, clofibrate use, hypothyroidism (T3T4 low, TSH high), surgery. AST el evation due to: {Ans: - anticoagulants, anti -inflammatories, CNS damage, burns, hemolytic disease, liver disease, opiates, pancreatitis, toxemia of pregnancy LDH elevation due to: {Ans: - lung disease, congestive heart failure MLT CHEMISTRY RBC: Hb to bile {Ans: - 120 days. Free Hb makes bile. Bile stored in gall bladder/small intestines break down lipids. Bilirubin normal levels {Ans: - 0.3-1.0 mg/dL if rise above, pt looks jaundiced Direct (conjugated) bilirubin {Ans: - gall bladder, dubin -johnson syndrome, cancer Indirect (unconjugated) bilirubin {Ans: - hematomas, infarcted lungs, Gilbert's disease RBC 4 products. Iron? {Ans: - protein, vitB12, folate, iron. Iron broken down in l iver. hemosiderin -reused. ferritin protein. Hemochromatosis and beta thalassemia (cooleys syndrome) {Ans: - store too much iron, destroys internal organs causes jaundice. ALP (alkaline phosphatase) value and significance {Ans: - liver enzyme 30-85 ImU/mL adult. 300 children. differentiate between liver/bone disease. ALP increases indicate: {Ans: - Paget's disease, liver cancer, bone disease, rheumatoid arthritis, hyperparathyroidism, hyperphosphatasia ALP decreases indicate {Ans: - pernicious anemia, c eliac disease, hypothyroidism, malnutrition, hypophosphatemia, high levels B vit ALT (serum alanine aminotransferase) {Ans: - 5-35 IU/L. Liver enzyme - increases in liver disease. AST:ALT ratio 1:1. If greater=liver tumors, congestion, cirrhosis If less =mono, hepatitis AST {Ans: - liver enzyme.