Exam (elaborations)
The nurse is teaching an older adult client who is on bed rest following
development of deep vein thrombosis DVT about methods to increase peristalsis.
Which of the following high-fiber food choices should the nurse recommend?
A- Navy bean soup
B- canned frui...
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The Inurse Iis Iteaching Ian Iolder Iadult Iclient Iwho Iis Ion Ibed Irest Ifollowing
Idevelopment Iof Ideep Ivein Ithrombosis IDVT Iabout Imethods Ito Iincrease Iperistalsis.
IWhich Iof Ithe Ifollowing Ihigh-fiber Ifood Ichoices Ishould Ithe Inurse Irecommend?
A- I Navy Ibean Isoup
B- I canned Ifruit Ijuice
C- I white Irice Ipudding
D- I soy Imilk
Answer- IA
An Iolder Iadult Iclient Iwho Iis Ion Ibedrest Ihas Ian Iincreased Irisk Ifor Iconstipation Idue Ito Ithe
Idecreased Iperistalsis Iassociated Iwith Ithe Iaging Iprocess. IIncreasing Idietary Ifiber Iby
Iadding Ifoods Ilike Ilegumes Ito Ithe Idiet, Ias Iwell Ias Iensuring Iadequate Ifluid Iintake, Iwill
Ipromote Ibowel Iregularity.
B- IThe Inurse Ishould Irecommend Icanned Ifruit Iand Ifruit Ijuices Iwithout Ipulp Ias Ia Ilow-fiber
Ichoice, Iwhich Ican Ihelp Idecrease Iperistalsis.
C- IThe Inurse Ishould Irecommend Iwhite Irice Ipudding Ias Ia Ilow-fiber Ichoice, Iwhich IcanIhelp
Idecrease Iperistalsis.
D- IThe Inurse Ishould Irecommend Isoy Imilk Ias Ia Ilow-fiber Ichoice, Iwhich Ican IhelpIdecrease
A Ihome Ihealth Inurse Iis Ivisiting Ian Iolder Iadult Iclient Iwho Ihas Ianemia. IWhich IofIthe
Ifollowing Ifoods Ishould Ithe Inurse Irecommend Ito Iincrease Ithe Iclients Iiron Iintake?
A- I Greek Iyogurt
B- I bran Imuffin
C- I peanut Ibutter Isandwich
D- I dried Ifruit
Answer- Id
The Inurse Ishould Irecommend Ithe Iclient Ieat Imore Idried Ifruit Ito Iincrease Iiron Iin Ithe Idiet.
IA- IThe Inurse Ishould Irecommend Igreek Iyogurt Ito Iincrease Ithe Iclient’s Iintake Iof Izinc Iand
B- IThe Inurse Ishould Irecommend Ibran Imuffins Ito Iincrease Ithe Iclient’s Iintake Iof Ifiber.
C- IThe Inurse Ishould Irecommend Ia Ipeanut Ibutter Isandwich Ito Iincrease Ithe Iclient's
Iintake Iof Ia Icomplementary Iprotein, Iwhich Iis Iwhen Itwo Iincomplete Iproteins Iare Itogether,
Imaking Ithe Isandwich Ia Icomplete Iprotein.
The Inurse Iis Icaring Ifor Ian Iolder Iadult Iclient Iwho Ihas Ia Inew Ionset Iof Itype I2
Idiabetes Imellitus. IWhich Iof Ithe Ifollowing I psychological Ichanges Ican Icontribute
Ito Ithe Idevelopment Iof Itype I2 Idiabetes?
A- I Increased Iproduction Iof Iinsulin Iby Ithe Ipancreas
B- I decrease Isensitivity Ito Ibe Icirculating Iinsulin
C- I increase Irate Iof Iglucose Imetabolism
D- I decreased Irelease Iof Iglycogen Iby Ithe Iliver
Answer- Ib
The Ipancreas Iin Iolder Iadult Iclients Idemonstrates Ireduced Itissue Isensitivity Ito Icirculating
Ii nsulin, Ileading Ito Ian Iincreased Irisk Iof Ideveloping Itype I2 Idiabetes Imellitus.
A- IThere Iis Ian Iinsufficient Irelease Iof Iinsulin Iby Ithe Ibeta Icells Iwithin Ithe Ipancreas IwithItype
I2 Idiabetes Imellitus.
C- IThere Iis Ia Idecrease Iin Ithe Irate Iof Iglucose Imetabolism Iin Iolder Iadult Iclients. IThis Iis
Iespecially Itrue Iif Ithere Iis Ia Isudden, Ihigh Iconcentration Iof Iglucose Iconsumed.
D- IGlucose Iis Istored Iin Ithe Iliver Ias Iglycogen. IA Idecrease Iin Ithe Iamount Iof Iglycogen
Iconverted Ito Iglucose Iand Ireleased Ito Ithe Ibody Iresults Iin Ia Idecrease Iin Iblood Iglucose,
Irather Ithan Ian Ielevation.
The Inurse Iis Iteaching Ia Inewly Ihired Iassistive IPersonnel Iabout Iher Irole Iin Ihelping
Iolder Iadult Iclients Iwith Iactivities Iof Idaily Iliving IADLs. Ithe Inurse Ishould Iexplain
Ithat Iwhich Iof Ithe Ifollowing Iis Ithe Imost Icommon Ifactor Ifor Ithe IFX Ia Iclient's
Iperformance Iof Iadl's?
A- I social Iwithdrawal
B- I chronic Iphysical Idisability
C- I emotional Iimpairment
D- I cognitive Idysfunction
Answer- Ib
Physical Idisability Iis Ithe Imost Icommon Ireason Iolder Iadult Iclients Ihave Idifficulty
Iperforming IADLs. ISelf-care Ideficit, Ithe Inursing Idiagnosis Ithat Idescribes Ithe Iinability IofIthe
Iclient Ito Iperform Iself-care Iactivities Inecessary Ifor Ioptimum Ihealth Iand Ifunction, Iis
Iassociated Iwith Iseveral Iphysical Ietiologic Ifactors: Iactivity Iintolerance, Ipain,
Ineuromuscular Iimpairment, Isensory-perceptual Iimpairment, Imusculoskeletal
Iimpairment, Iand Icognitive Iimpairment.
A- IAlthough Isome Iolder Iadult Iclients Imight Ibecome Isocially Iwithdrawn Idue Ito Idepression,
Iphysical Idebilitation, Ior Ilack Iof Itransportation, Iit Ishould Inot Iaffect Itheir IabilityIto Iperform
C- IEmotional Istability Idoes Inot Idecrease Iin Iolder Iadult Iclients Ias Ia Iconsequence Iof Ithe
Iaging Iprocess. IWhile Idepression Iis Icommon Iin Iolder Iadult Iclients, Iit Iis Ioften Iassociated
Iwith Ia Iserious Ior Idisabling Imedical Idiagnosis, Iphysical Iimpairment, Ior Ias Ia Iside Ieffect Iof
Imedications. IClients Iwho Iare Idepressed Imight, Ias Ia Iresult Iof Itheir Imood Idisorder, Ibe
Ireluctant Ito Iperform Itheir IADLs Iand Ineed Iassistance Ior Iencouragement.
D- ICognition Idoes Inot Idecrease Iin Iolder Iadults Ias Ia Iconsequence Iof Ithe Iaging Iprocess.
IEven Iclients Iwho Ihave Idementia Iand Iother Ineurologic Idisorders Imight Istill Ibe Iable Ito
Ilearn Iand Iperform Itasks, Isuch Ias IADLs, Ior Iadjust Ito Inew Isituations Ior Iroutines.
The Inurse Iis Iplanning Icare Ifor Ia Iclient Iwho Ihad Ia Istroke. IWhich Iof Ithe Ifollowing
Igoals Ishould Ithe Inurse Iidentify Ias Ithe Ipriority Ifor Ithis Iclient?
A- I The Iclients Iskip Iwill Iremain Iintact Iduring Ihospitalization
B- I the Iclient Iwill Iverbalize Ione Inew Iword Ieach Iweek
C- I the Iclient Iwill Ibegin Ito Ihelp Iturn Ihimself Iin Ibed, Iindicating Iimprove IMobility
D- I the Iclients Iairway Iwill Iremain Iclear, Ias Ievidenced Iby Iclear Ibreath Isounds
Answer- Id
The Inurse Ishould Iapply Ithe IABC Ipriority-setting Iframework Iwhen Icaring Ifor Ithis Iclient.
IThis Iframework Iemphasizes Ithe Ibasic Icore Iof Ihuman Ifunctioning: Ihaving Ian Iopen
Iairway, Ibeing Iable Ito Ibreathe Iin Iadequate Iamounts Iof Ioxygen, Iand Icirculating Ioxygen Ito
Ithe Ibody's Iorgans Ivia Ithe Iblood. IAn Ialteration Iin Iany Iof Ithese Ican Iindicate Ia Ithreat Ito Ilife
Iand Iis Ithe Inurse’s Ipriority Iconcern. IWhen Iapplying Ithe IABC Ipriority-setting Iframework,
Iairway Iis Ialways Ithe Ihighest Ipriority Ibecause Ithe Iairway Imust Ibe Iclear Iand Iopen Ifor
Ioxygen Iexchange Ito Ioccur. IBreathing Iis Ithe Isecond Ihighest Ipriority Iin Ithe IABC Ipriority-
Isetting Iframework Ibecause Iadequate Iventilatory Ieffort Iis Iessential Iin Iorder Ifor Ioxygen
Iexchange Ito Ioccur. ICirculation Iis Ithe Ithird Ihighest Ipriority Iin Ithe IABC Ipriority-setting
Iframework Ibecause Idelivery Iof Ioxygen Ito Icritical Iorgans Ionly Ioccurs Iif Ithe Iheart Iand
Iblood Ivessels Iare Icapable Iof Iefficiently Icarrying Ioxygen Ito Ithem. IThe Ipriority Inursing
Iaction Iis Ito Ipromote Ipulmonary Ihygiene Ias Ievidenced Iby Iclear Ibreath Isounds.
A- IPrevention Iof Iskin Ibreakdown Ifollowing Ia Istroke Iis Ian Iimportant Igoal; Ihowever, IthereIis
Ianother Igoal Ithat Iis Ithe Ipriority.
B- IRelearning Ispeech Iis Iimportant Ifor Icommunication Iskills Ifollowing Ia Istroke; Ihowever,
Ithere Iis Ianother Igoal Ithat Iis Ithe Ipriority.
C- IFollowing Ia Istroke, Ione Igoal Iof Irehabilitation Iis Ito Iencourage Iself-help. IActivity IgoalsIare
Iimportant; Ihowever, Ithere Iis Ianother Igoal Ithat Iis Ithe Ipriority.
The Inurse Iis Ideveloping Ia Iplan Iof Icare Ifor Ia Iclient Iwho Ihad Ia Irecent Istroke Iand
Ihas Ia Ihistory Iof Igastroesophageal Ireflux Idisease IGERD. IFor Iwhich Iof Ithe
Ifollowing Idisorders Ishould Ithe Inurse Iplan Ito Imonitor Ithis Iclient?
A- I Duodenal IUlcer IDisease
B- I aspiration Ipneumonia
C- Iviral Ipneumonia
D- I esophageal Ivarices
Answer- Ib
GERD Iresults Iin Ireflux Iof Igastric Isecretions Ifrom Ithe Istomach Iinto Ithe Ilower Iesophagus.
IW hen Iregurgitation Ioccurs, Ithe Iclient Iis Iat Ihigh Irisk Ifor Ipneumonia. IPneumonia Ioccurs
Idue Ito Iaspiration Iof Igastric Icontents Iinto Ithe Iairway. IThis Iclient Iis Iat Iincreased Irisk Ifor
Idysphagia Idue Ito Ithe Istroke Iand Ihistory Iof IGERD; Itherefore, Ithe Inurse Ishould Imonitor
Iclosely Ifor Iaspiration Ipneumonia.
A- IThe Iacidity Iof Istomach Icontents Ithat Ireflux Iback Iinto Ithe Iesophagus Iresults Iin Ian
Ii nflamed Iesophagus, Inot Iduodenum, I which Iis Ia Isection Iof Ithe Ismall Iintestine. IWith
Iduodenal Iulcer Idisease, Ithere Iare Iulcers Iin Ithe Iduodenum, Iusually Iassociated Iwith
Istress, ICOPD, Ipancreatic Idisease, Iand Ichronic Irenal Ifailure.
C- IThe Icause Iof Iviral Ipneumonia Iis Ian Iinhaled Ivirus Ithat Isettles Iin Ithe Ilungs. IGERDIdoes
Inot Iincrease Ithe Irisk Iof Iviral Ipneumonia.
D- IEsophageal Ivarices Ioccur Iin Iclients Iwho Ihave Iportal Ihypertension, Iusually Idue Ito
Ihepatic Icirrhosis.