Anatomy & Physiology for Emergency Care
c c c c c
Bryan Bledsoe, Frederic Martini, Edwin Bartholomew
c c c c c
3rd Edition
,Table of Contents
c c
Chapter 1. An Introduction to Anatomy and Physiology
c c c c c c c 2
Chapter 2. The Chemical Level of Organization
c c c c c c 7
Chapter 3. Cell Structure and Function
c c c c c 13
Chapter 4. The Tissue Level of Organization
c c c c c c 19
Chapter 5. The Integumentary System
c c c c 25
Chapter 6. The Skeletal System
c c c c 30
Chapter 7. The Muscular System
c c c c 42
Chapter 8. The Nervous System
c c c c 50
Chapter 9. The General and Special Senses
c c c c c c 58
Chapter 10. The Endocrine System
c c c c 63
Chapter 11. The Cardiovascular System - Blood
c c c c c c 69
Chapter 12. The Cardiovascular System - The Heart
c c c c c c c 77
Chapter 13. The Cardiovascular System - Blood Vessels and Circulation
c c c c c c c c c 87
Chapter 14. The Lymphatic System and Immunity
c c c c c c 96
Chapter 15. The Respiratory System
c c c c 105
Chapter 16. The Digestive System
c c c c 114
Chapter 17. Nutrition and Metabolism
c c c c 122
Chapter 18. The Urinary System
c c c c 131
Chapter 19. The Reproductive System
c c c c 140
Chapter 20. Development and Inheritance
c c c c 148
, Test cBank c- cAnatomy c& cPhysiology cfor cEmergency cCare, c3rd cEdition c(Bledsoe,
Anatomy & Physiology for Emergency Care, 3e (Bledsoe)
c c c c c c c
Chapter 1 An Introduction to Anatomy and Physiology
c c c c c c c c c
1) Gross anatomy, or macroscopic anatomy, considers:
c c c c c
A) internal features of the body.
c c c c
B) features visible with the naked, or unaided, eye.
c c c c c c c
C) a study of a system of the body.
c c c c c c c
D) None of the above
c c c
Answer: B
c c
2) The human form shown upright, hands at the sides, palms forward, and feet together is in the
c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c
A) anatomical
B) physiological
C) prone
D) supine
3) A person lying face down is in the
c c position. c c c c c c
A) physiological
B) prone
C) anatomical WWW.TBSM.WS
D) supine
4) A person lying face up is in the
c c c c c c c c position.
A) physiological
B) supine
C) prone
D) anatomical
Answer: B
c c
5) The frontal plane divides the body into the
c c c c c c c c and c portions.
A) superior, inferior c
B) anterior, posterior c
C) lateral, dorsal c
D) None of the above
c c c
Answer: B
c c
6) The diaphragm separates the abdominopelvic and
c c c c c c cavities.
A) cranial
B) thoracic
C) intestinal
D) renal
c c c c c