Test Bank Social Psychology, 11th edition Aronson,
Wilson, Sommers,
, Chapter 1 f
f Introducing Social Psychology
f f
Total fAssessment fGuide f(TAG)
Question Remember Understand Apply fWhat
Topic Analyze fIt
fType fthe fFacts fthe fConcepts fYou fKnow
Introduction Multiple fChoice
Defining fSocial Multiple fChoice 2, f11, f12, f13, f19, 1, f3, f4, f6, f7, f10, 5, f8, f9, f21, f22, 36, f37, f45
fPsychology 26, f29, f30, f31, 14, f15, f16, f17, 27, f28, f35, f38,
41, f43, f58, f59, 18, f20, f23, f24, 39, f40, f42, f44,
60 25, f32, f33, f34, 47, f48, f49, f50,
46, f52, f53, f55, 51, f54, f56, f61,
57, f63 62
Essay 176, f177, f180 178, f179
The fPower fof Multiple fChoice 64, f66, f70, f71, 74, f80, f86, f87, 65, f67, f68, f69, 76, f112
fthe fSituation 72, f78, f79, f84, 93, f94, f110, f111, 73, f75, f77, f81,
89, f95, f98, f104, 119, f125 82, f83, f85, f88,
107, f113, f114, 90, f91, f92, f96,
115, f116, f117, 97, f99, f100, f101,
118, f120, f124 102, f103, f105,
106, f108, f109,
121, f122, f123,
Essay 181, f182, f183, 185 184
Where Multiple fChoice 127, f129, f133, 130, f143, f148, 128, f131, f132,
fConstruals 135, f136, f137, 150, f151, f155, 134, f138, f139,
fCome fFrom: 149, f154, f156, 158, f159, f160, 140, f141, f142,
fBasic 157, f161 163, f164, f166, 144, f145, f146,
fHuman 167 147, f152, f153,
fMotives 162, f165
Essay 187, f189, f190 188 186
Why fStudy Multiple fChoice 168, f172 169, f170, f171, 174
fSocial 173, f175
Essay 191
, Aronson, Wilson, Sommers, Page-Gould, Lewis, Jr.: Social Psychology, 11th edition
Multiple fChoice
Choose fthe fone falternative fthat fbest fcompletes fthe fstatement for fanswers fthe fquestion.
1. In fthe fintroduction fto fChapter f1, fyou fread fabout fa fnumber fof fsocial fphenomena: fselfless fand fselfish
factions fperformed fduring fthe fCOVID fpandemic; fa fsister fand fbrother fdisagreed fon fthe fattractiveness fof
fthe fsame ffraternity; fand fmore fthan f800 fpeople fcommitted fmass fsuicide fin fJonestown, fGuyana. fWhat
fdo fthese fexamples fhave fin fcommon?
a. They fdefy fexplanation.
b. They fdescribe fsocially fdeviant fbehavior.
c. They freveal fthe fpower fof fsocial finfluence.
d. They freflect fthe foperation fof fdeliberate fpersuasion
fattempts. fAnswer: fC
Learning fObjective: f1.1 fDefine fsocial fpsychology fand fdistinguish fit ffrom fother
fdisciplines. fTopic: fDefining fSocial fPsychology
Difficulty fLevel: f Difficult
Skill fLevel: fUnderstand fthe fConcepts
APA fLearning fObjective: f1.1 fDescribe fkey fconcepts, fprinciples, fand foverarching fthemes fin fpsychology.
2. The fscientific fstudy fof fthe fway fin fwhich fpeople’s fthoughts, ffeelings, fand fbehaviors fare finfluenced fby
fthe freal for fimagined fpresence fof fother fpeople fis fthe fdefinition fof .
a. psychology
b. personality fpsychology
c. social fpsychology
d. sociology
fAnswer: fC
Learning fObjective: f1.1 fDefine fsocial fpsychology fand fdistinguish fit ffrom fother
fdisciplines. fTopic: fDefining fSocial fPsychology
Difficulty fLevel: fEasy
Skill fLevel: fRemember fthe fFacts
APA fLearning fObjective: f1.1 fDescribe fkey fconcepts, fprinciples, fand foverarching fthemes fin fpsychology.
3. Social fpsychology fis fthe fstudy fof fhow affect(s) fthe fthoughts, ffeelings, fand fbehaviors
fof fhumans.
a. live fsocial finteractions fwith fother fhumans
b. the fpresence fof freal for fimagined fother fpeople
c. other fliving fthings
d. perceptions fof fthe fsocial
fworld fAnswer: fB
Learning fObjective: f1.1 fDefine fsocial fpsychology fand fdistinguish fit ffrom fother
fdisciplines. fTopic: fDefining fSocial fPsychology
Difficulty fLevel: fModerate
Skill fLevel: fUnderstand fthe fConcepts
APA fLearning fObjective: f1.1 fDescribe fkey fconcepts, fprinciples, fand foverarching fthemes fin fpsychology.
4. Which fof fthe ffollowing fis fan fexample fof fsocial finfluence?
a. You fconcoct fa fconvincing flie fto ftell fyour fprofessor fabout fwhy fyour fassignment fwas flate.
b. When fyou fget fhungry, fyou fhave ftrouble fconcentrating.
c. You fdidn’t fdo fwell fon fan fexam fbecause fyou fstayed fup fall fnight fcramming.
d. You falmost ffall fasleep fwhile fdriving, fso fyou fpull fto fthe fside fof fthe froad fto ftake fa fshort fnap.
Copyright f© f2023, f2016, f2013 fPearson fEducation, fInc. fAll frights freserved.
, Aronson, Wilson, Sommers, Page-Gould, Lewis, Jr.: Social Psychology, 11th edition
Answer: fA
Learning fObjective: f1.1 fDefine fsocial fpsychology fand fdistinguish fit ffrom fother
fdisciplines. fTopic: fDefining fSocial fPsychology
Difficulty fLevel: fModerate
Skill fLevel: fUnderstand fthe fConcepts
APA fLearning fObjective: f1.1 fDescribe fkey fconcepts, fprinciples, fand foverarching fthemes fin fpsychology.
5. E’Lisha fagrees fto fspend fall fday fSaturday fhelping fher ffriend fcomplete fher fchores, feven fthough fshe
fdoesn’t fwant fto, fhad fother fplans, fand fdoesn’t feven flike fher ffriend fall fthat fmuch. fIt’s flikely fE’Lisha’s
ffriend fused fthe fskillful fapplication fof to fget fher fto fagree fto fhelp.
a. social finfluence
b. her fmere fpresence
c. obedience
d. threat
Learning fObjective: f1.1 fDefine fsocial fpsychology fand fdistinguish fit ffrom fother
fdisciplines. fTopic: fDefining fSocial fPsychology
Difficulty fLevel: f Moderate
Skill fLevel: fApply fWhat fYou fKnow
APA fLearning fObjective: f1.1 fDescribe fkey fconcepts, fprinciples, fand foverarching fthemes fin fpsychology.
6. Which fexample fillustrates fa fdirect fpersuasion fattempt?
a. A fbully fthreatens fBilly fand fsteals fhis flunch fmoney.
b. Ramona fworks fhard fin fschool fto fmake fher fmother fproud.
c. Felipe fthinks fof fhis fex-boyfriend fand fbecomes fsad.
d. Jason fmoves ffrom fNew fYork fto fAtlanta fand fdevelops fa fSouthern
faccent. fAnswer: fA
Learning fObjective: f1.1 fDefine fsocial fpsychology fand fdistinguish fit ffrom fother
fdisciplines. fTopic: fDefining fSocial fPsychology
Difficulty fLevel: fModerate
Skill fLevel: fUnderstand fthe fConcepts
APA fLearning fObjective: f1.1 fDescribe fkey fconcepts, fprinciples, fand foverarching fthemes fin fpsychology.
7. Not fall fsocial finfluence fis fdirect for fdeliberate. fCompared fto fthe fothers, fwhich fexample fBEST
fillustrates findirect for fsubtle fsocial finfluence?
a. An fnationwide fadvertising fcampaign fis flaunched fto fpromote fa fnew fsoft fdrink.
b. A fsenatorial fcandidate fdelivers fa fspeech fto fconvince fvoters fthat fshe fis fnot freally fliberal.
c. A fparent fdisciplines fa fchild fby ftaking faway fa ffavorite ftoy.
d. A fchild fsees fother fkids fwearing ftheir fT-shirts finside fout fand fstarts fwearing fa fT-shirt fthe fsame
fway. fAnswer: fD
Learning fObjective: f1.1 fDefine fsocial fpsychology fand fdistinguish fit ffrom fother
fdisciplines. fTopic: fDefining fSocial fPsychology
Difficulty fLevel: fModerate
Skill fLevel: fUnderstand fthe fConcepts
APA fLearning fObjective: f1.1 fDescribe fkey fconcepts, fprinciples, fand foverarching fthemes fin fpsychology.
8. From facross fthe froom, fXiao fsees fhis fmother fsigh, fand fhe fapproaches fto fgive fher fa fhug fin fhopes fof
fcheering fher fup. fIn fthis fcase, fXiao’s fbehavior fis fan fexample fof fa(n) social finfluence fattempt.
a. direct
b. ineffective
c. indirect
d. unintended
fAnswer: fA
Learning fObjective: f1.1 fDefine fsocial fpsychology fand fdistinguish fit ffrom fother
fdisciplines. fTopic: fDefining fSocial fPsychology
Difficulty fLevel: fDifficult
Copyright f© f2023, f2016, f2013 fPearson fEducation, fInc. fAll frights freserved.